Title In This Set
- Timmy's Hiccup Cure
- Timmy plays Football
- Snapshot Timmy
- Timmy the Artist
Adorable he may be but Timmy is a little lamb with a lot to learn. He has just turned 3 (in sheep years) and being the only lamb in the flock, Timmy has been used to getting his own way. Now for the first time, Timmy is going to have to learn how to share things with others and think about their feelings - not just his own. Timmy is going to Nursery! Timmy Time is an engaging exploration of nursery life that every pre-school aged boy and girl can relate to. In this bright, colourful and safe environment, Timmy and his animal friends learn how to play together, paint, draw and generally learn those very important 'life lessons' from their nursery teachers, Harriet Heron and Osbourne Owl.