The Brambly Hedge Library Collection 8 Books Set By Jill Barklem - Ages 3-6 - Hardback

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Introducing the Brambly Hedge Library Collection, an enchanting 8-book set penned by the talented Jill Barklem. This collection invites readers into the idyllic world of Brambly Hedge, a close-knit community of charming mice who live in a bustling hedge alongside a gently flowing stream. Infused with the timeless charm of countryside living and brimming with detailed illustrations, these stories make for a captivating reading journey that's equal parts heartwarming and educational. Purchase the collection now at Just Kids Books.

Titles in This Set :

  1. The High Hills
    2. Poppy's Babies
    3. The Secret Staircase
    4. Spring Story
    5. Sea Story
    6. Winter Story
    7. Autumn Story
    8. Summer Story

Embark on an adventurous journey with the first book, The High Hills. The brave young mouse, Wilfred, sets off on an expedition to the High Hills, facing unpredictable weather and discovering new experiences along the way. It's a charming tale of courage, adventure, and friendship that will inspire young readers to explore the world around them.

Poppy's Babies introduces us to the joys and responsibilities of parenthood. Poppy and Dusty have to juggle their duties to prepare for the arrival of their babies, all while keeping it a surprise for the other mice. This sweet, nurturing story imparts values of family, responsibility, and community spirit.

In The Secret Staircase, Primrose and Wilfred uncover a hidden staircase during the Midwinter celebrations. As they descend the staircase, they discover a world filled with surprises and nostalgia. The book cleverly blends mystery and history, nurturing curiosity and appreciation for heritage in young readers.

Spring Story celebrates the season of new beginnings with a surprise birthday party for Wilfred. Readers will experience the joy and exhilaration of spring and the warmth of friendship. This tale will inspire children to appreciate the changing seasons and the simple joy of giving.

Sea Story takes readers on a nautical adventure, where adventurous mice sail away to fetch salt from the sea. The book serves as an introduction to the concept of self-reliance and the basics of sea travel, while also teaching the importance of resourcefulness and teamwork.

Winter Story brings the icy, snowy season to life. When a snowstorm hits, the mice band together to ensure everyone's safety and comfort, culminating in a grand Snow Ball. It's a heartwarming tale that teaches the importance of unity and community spirit during challenging times.

Autumn Story captures the beauty and abundance of the harvest season. Primrose makes friends with a harvest mouse named Berry and helps him find his family. The book conveys the essence of sharing and friendship and offers valuable lessons about kindness and helping those in need.

Finally, Summer Story paints a picture of summer in all its glory, complete with picnics and outdoor fun. When Poppy and Dusty decide to get married, the community comes together to plan a beautiful wedding. This heartening story celebrates love, companionship, and communal harmony.

The Brambly Hedge Library Collection is distinguished by its rich, detailed illustrations, which bring the world of Brambly Hedge alive in every book. Each page is a feast for the eyes, filled with intricate, colorful depictions of the quaint Brambly Hedge and its endearing inhabitants.

More than just delightful stories, these books offer subtle educational content, such as learning about the changing seasons, understanding different social customs, and recognizing the value of community and teamwork. The narratives and illustrations work in perfect harmony to foster a sense of wonder, stimulate imagination, and cultivate empathy in young readers.

Dive into the Brambly Hedge Library Collection, and let your children immerse themselves in an enchanting world that's full of adventures, life lessons, and unforgettable characters. These books offer more than just entertainment; they provide a rich, engaging reading experience that leaves children with lasting memories and valuable life lessons. Open the door to Brambly Hedge, and let the magic of these timeless stories inspire and enchant your young readers.

Description from the Publisher:

The High Hills
It is the very end of autumn and Flax and Lily are busy making blankets for the voles in the High Hills. Mr Apple has to deliver the blankets to them before the cold weather sets in and Wilfred Toadflax is eager to go along. He is convinced there is gold to be found in the hills beyond Brambly Hedge and this is his chance to discover it. Everything goes to plan until Wilfred scrambles up a rock face and can't get down. The mist begins to rise and soon Mr Apple and Wilfred are engulfed in a thick white fog, unable to find their way home...

Poppy's Babies
It was early summer in Brambly Hedge. Outside everything seemed quiet and peaceful, but inside the mill there was chaos. Poppy's new babies were crying, Dusty's mill was clattering and clouds of flour dust filled the air. This was no place to bring up a family. But what was to be done? The mice of Brambly Hedge came up with a plan in no time at all, and even Wilfred managed to keep it a secret from Poppy so that she had the most wonderful surprise on the babies' Naming Day.

The Secret Staircase
It's Midwinter Eve and everyone in Brambly Hedge is busily preparing for the traditional midwinter celebrations. Primrose Woodmouse and Wilfred Toadflax are to recite a poem, so they go up to the attics to rehearse in peace and quiet. But when Primrose finds a small key in an old wooden dresser, all thoughts of rehearsing are put aside! The mice of Brambly Hedge have many adventures but they always have time for fun too. All through the year, they mark the seasons with feasts and festivities, and, whether it be a little mouse's birthday, an eagerly awaited wedding, or the first day of spring, the mice never miss an opportunity to meet and celebrate.

Spring Story
Wilfred woke early. It was his birthday. He had lots of lovely presents, but the best one was a surprise... Mr Apple had organized a secret celebration picnic and all the mice of Brambly Hedge were invited. There was so much to carry. Poor Wilfred got very tired as he lurched and bumped his way along the grassy track. What was it Mrs. Apple had said was in his hamper? Knives? Sandwiches? They were certainly heavy! When they finally arrived, Wilfred was allowed to open up the hamper and there he found the best treat of all...

Sea Story
It was summer and Primrose woke knowing that it was going to be a very special day. The sun was already warm and a light breeze stirred the leaves and branches of Brambly Hedge. It was a perfect day for an adventure.

Leaving the hedge behind, Dusty, Poppy, Primrose, and Wilfred set off downstream in Dusty's boat the Periwinkle, on a journey that would take them all the way down to the sea. But it wasn't all plain sailing, and the mice had an important mission to fulfill before they could return to Brambly Hedge...

Winter Story
It was the middle of winter and very, very cold. The mice of Brambly Hedge forecasted snow.

And they were right. In the morning they awoke to find their doors and windows hidden behind deep drifts. There hadn't been snow like this for years. "There's enough for a Snow Ball!" cried the mice with glee, and set to work in the time-honored way to make an Ice Hall for the festivities. The little mice watched wide-eyed as all the preparations were made. Then at last everything was ready, and the Ball could begin...

Autumn Story
Bad weather is on the way and the autumn stores are still not gathered in!

Quickly, all the mice of Brambly Hedge set to work to finish the harvesting before the rain begins. Primrose, Lord Woodmouse's daughter, meant to help, but somehow she daydreamed her way over the cornfield and into the Chestnut Woods, and before she knew it, she was lost. The sun went down, the wind rose and it began to rain. Primrose was all alone in the dark and she was frightened. Poor Primrose, would she find her way home again?

Summer Story
It was such a hot summer. The sky was deep blue and the sun never faltered. All along Brambly Hedge, the mice did their best to keep cool. Poppy Eyebright sought refuge in the mossy shadows of the mill wheel; Dusty Dogwood took to walking by the banks of the cooling stream. Dusty and Poppy spent more and more time together, so no one was at all surprised when they announced their engagement. They decided on a very unusual setting for the wedding ceremony, but even they didn't realize just how unusual it was to prove to be!

Take a trip down memory lane! Brambly Hedge fans can now enjoy Jill Barklem's much-loved stories on the go. Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect from the latest Brambly Hedge adventures. Brambly Hedge is ideal for early readers aged 6-7, but it appeals to all age groups. It’s a combination of classic fantasy and fable for little ones. It wouldn’t be fair to only enjoy one of these, so treat your little one to all 8 in this fun-filled collection. Parents love these for their intricate designs, lovely tales, and a blast from the past. Being able to pick them up again and enjoy them with children makes each one of these stories a true delight to read.

Following the mice as they discover hidden staircases, and magical spaces is just amazing. The watercolor illustrations are extremely detailed, and as a kid, your little one is bound to discover plenty in every teeny tiny detail of every picture. The best news is that this set contains all 8 in the popular collection and it can be snatched up at a hefty discount, making it an easy no-brainer for any fan. Perfect as a gift to give or receive, this nostalgic and iconic set is guaranteed to take a prime position on any kid's bookshelf!

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